In the community of Achin
In the community of Achin, a youth conference was organized by the area, where people from several nearby churches attended and we were invited to teach, we started with the material "müsum wasinpïta licun" to the young and old.
When we started to distribute the booklets, everyone wanted to have to see and read, but there were some women who only looked at the drawings and passed it on to other people younger than her.
Among them was the sister Dominga of 40 years who saw the little book but could not read. But she along with some tried to read together with the teacher. All this is what encouraged us the most to continue teaching to read and write in their own wanca language.

We teach the children in the wanca language
The first day we started with a few children, they came a little scared, but we saw that no children spoke nor could they read in wanca. Only some understood. And some said "My mom does talk but with other people, but she speaks to us in Spanish nothing more" as we taught them
in them aroused his interest in wanting to learn his language and made the effort to continue reading the biblical story. The second day they surprised us with their attendance because many more children arrived. And they, after the two days of teaching, told us when are they going to return, so that they can continue teaching us? "We want to continue learning."